BeSimply...Answers My Friend. Clear {Sol. Silence. Sound}
“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind”
― Bob Dylan
This Week: You are being invited to observe and listen for the answers. These answers will give you a clear understanding and knowing of where to place your attention.
As inspired, take a moment to balance your inner landscape, creating space to nourish yourself while harmonizing your inner and outer worlds.
Questions: What signs have you noticed in and around you? What answers have you observed? Are you ready to move forward while simultaneously letting go?
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, exploring your inner landscape, and cultivating inner peace.
Time Stamps:
Dharma 0:00 | Meditation 21:00 | Sound 46:00 | Outro 1:24:00
Random Rab http://randomerab.net
‘Fields of Flowers' by Cadre Scott http://cadrescott.com
Sound Suzanne Toro http://linktr.ee/omshetoro
Producing: http://DanteMarino.com
Weekly Writings and Well Being: https://suzannetoro.substack.com/p/choices-high-road
Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media http://suzannetoro.com/be-simplyradio-blog/
"Here is, in truth, the whole secret of Yoga, the science of the soul. The active turnings, the strident vibrations, of selfishness, lust and hate are to be stilled by meditation, by letting heart and mind dwell in spiritual life, by lifting up the heart to the strong, silent life above, which rests in the stillness of eternal love, and needs no harsh vibration to convince it of true being." ~Patanjali
Mind Training: http://suzannetoro.as.me/mindtraining
8 Limbs Yoga Session: http://suzannetoro.as.me/8LimbsYoga
Humanity + Earth Friendly Goodies:
Superfeast http://bit.ly/3bhmLuZ
Living Tea http://livingtea.net
KindSpring http://kindspring.org
Formula Flawless http://formulaflawless.com
ZinZino Balance Oil http://bit.ly/3IP2gao
Honey Bee Hippie http://honeybeehippie.com
Ora Cacoa http://snwbl.io/ora/OmToro21
SunPlay https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sun-play-suzanne-toro/1143581210?ean=9781088076200